Vol. 4
Hit the Slopes
Available for over a year
After the success/failure of the last video project, our newest friend/employee 'the Video Magazine Format' was put to work as an intern checking our mail, running for coffee and (more often than we'd prefer) playing the part of the typical mooching friend. He recently burst into the office laughing hysterically and handed us this letter:
Dear Producers of Serious Fun Video Magazine (and in particular the one responsible for writing the blurbs on the back of the DVDs),
As someone who has unintentionally happened upon your products, I would like to express my concern over your running personification of the video magazine format gag. It's really getting old at this point. Could you please come up with something more creative? May I suggest a few potentially hilarious alternatives? Maybe it's written in the form of a fifth grade report on dinosaurs or maybe it's written in a secret code that quickly reveals that it is not very secretive or at very least a blurb talking about how it doesn't know how to write blurbs. Please, come up with anything but what you've been doing or I fear your customers may stop taking you seriously. Thank you.
- A Concerned Customer.
This is Volume 4 of Serious Fun Video Magazine from the crazy gang at Snowboarders and Skiers for Christ, USA.