Asbury Revival - Desperate for More

Asbury Revival - Desperate for More

[CC] On February 8 2023, some students stayed after chapel at Asbury University and continued worshiping. And they kept going for 16 days.
This is a behind-the-scenes view of what the Holy Spirit was doing, reported directly from students, staff, university administrators, and participants. The outpouring drew people from all over the United States and the entire world, including Brazil, the Philippines, and Singapore to name a few. What the Holy Spirit started at Asbury spread to Samford University, Baylor University, Cedarville University, Texas A&M, Oklahoma Baptist University, Louisiana State University, Regent University, Indiana Weslyan, and in total over 30 other college campuses.

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Asbury Revival - Desperate for More
  • Asbury Revival - Desperate for More

    [CC] Available for over a year
    On February 8 2023, some students stayed after chapel at Asbury University and continued worshiping. And they kept going for 16 days.
    This is a behind-the-scenes view of what the Holy Spirit was doing, reported directly from students, staff, university administrato...